Managing a Booth's Team Roster

Your Team Roster is used in two ways

  1. Assign roles (ie authorize other roles in the booth)
  2. Recognize team members for their contributions without assigning them additional booth duties

Tip: Only the Booth Administrator and Event Administrator may manage the Team Roster.

While in Edit mode an Administrator can:

  1. Add/Remove Team Members and assign them either a) Presenter or b) Non-Presenter role
  2. Highlight "contributions" by the team member that will be publicly displayed on the Team Roster page for all to see during the DemoHop.
  3. Sort the order of the Team Roster.
  4. Reassign Booth Administrator responsibilities to another person. There can only be one Admin per booth. After reassignment, the former Booth Administrator will no longer show on the booth's roster. To be re-added to the roster, the new Booth Admin will need to add them.

Roles & Permissions

The Booth Admin can add people to the team roster and assign them either a) Presenter or b) Non-Presenter responsibilities with the following permissions.

Permissions Non-Presenter Presenter Booth Admin Event Admin
Recognized on Team Roster Yes Yes Yes -
Create/Edit Card, Overview & Handouts - Yes Yes Yes
Start/Host the Live Demo - Yes Yes -
Admit Visitors into Live Demo - Yes Yes -
Bypass Live Demo Queue - Yes Yes -
Publish / Unpublish Booth - Yes Yes Yes
Identified as a Booth Host in the Gallery - Yes Yes -
Manage Team Roster & Assign Roles (Add/Delete) - - Yes Yes
Sort Team Roster - - Yes Yes
Change Booth Admin - - Yes Yes
View Booth Reports - Yes Yes Yes
View Survey Results - Yes Yes Yes
Change Live Demo Settings - Yes Yes Yes

Tip: The purpose of the non-presenter role is to identify people on the team and recognize their contributions on the Team Roster.

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